
Team Leadership

Enhance motivation, improve collaboration, and boost performance through targeted team leadership.

Teamledelse 3000X2000

Memberprice kr. 15.900,- excl. VAT / Other kr. 18.900,- excl. VAT

Chose start date

Tuesday, April 22, 2025 - Thursday, May 22, 2025

Location: Copenhagen

Monday, September 29, 2025 - Thursday, October 30, 2025

Location: Copenhagen

Duration 3 days - 2 modules of 2+1 day

Location Copenhagen

  • Module1

    CfL, København Ø

    • 22. April 2025, KL. 09:00 - 16:30
    • 23. April 2025, KL. 09:00 - 16:30
  • Module2

    CfL, København Ø

    • 22. May 2025, KL. 09:00 - 16:30

Duration 3 days - 2 modules of 2+1 day

Location Copenhagen

  • Module1

    CfL, København Ø

    • 29. September 2025, KL. 09:00 - 16:30
    • 30. September 2025, KL. 09:00 - 16:30
  • Module2

    CfL, København Ø

    • 30. October 2025, KL. 09:00 - 16:30

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Lead Successful Teams

Gain the necessary tools to create and lead effective and sustainable teams. The course focuses on how to build psychological safety, understanding group dynamics, and applying situational team leadership.

You will learn how to foster trust, manage conflicts, and improve collaboration within your team. Through practical exercises and the development of personal action plans, you will be equipped to implement your new skills in your own organization.

Course Content

This course provides team leaders with the necessary tools and insights to build and lead high-performing and sustainable teams. You will also acquire new competencies in communication and conflict mediation. You will develop skills to promote collaboration, trust, and accountability within your team.

The course covers both structural aspects of team leadership and psychological and managerial factors with a strong team focus.

You will have the opportunity to practice your skills and receive feedback on specific team leadership competencies. The course will cover the following topics:


Introduction to Team Leadership

  • What is a team, and why is team leadership important?
  • The difference between a group and a team.
  • The leader’s role in team development.

Psychological Safety

  • Definition and importance of psychological safety.
  • Strategies for creating and maintaining a safe environment that encourages creativity, innovation, learning, and performance.
  • Exercises and case studies to foster openness and trust within the team.

Group Dynamics

  • Basic principles of group dynamics.
  • Diagnosing and solving team dysfunctions such as lack of trust, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, and avoidance of accountability.
  • Practical tools and techniques to enhance team effectiveness and create goal-oriented conditions.

Conflict Management in Teams

  • Understanding the underlying causes of conflicts and their dynamics.
  • Different conflict resolution styles depending on the situation.
  • Communicating effectively and assertively during conflicts.
  • Using practical tools and methods to constructively manage conflicts.

Communication and Collaboration

  • Effective communication methods in teams.
  • Active listening and questioning techniques with a coaching approach.
  • Creating greater conversational capacity within the team.

Leadership Styles and Situational Leadership

  • Different leadership styles and their impact on the team.
  • Situational leadership: Adapting your leadership style to the needs of the team.

Practical Exercises and Workshops

  • Team exercises and simulation games to strengthen collaboration.
  • Case studies and role-playing to address real team challenges.
  • Reflection and discussion of learning and experiences.

Action Plan and Implementation

  • You will develop a personal action plan to implement your learnings within your own organization.
  • Review and evaluation of the course process.
  • Continued development and learning as a team leader.


Course Structure

The course consists of 2 modules, of 2 days and 1 day respectively, and is centered around essential team development and leadership tools. The teaching alternates between brief theoretical presentations and concrete, practical training in the models and tools covered. The focus is on creating a link to your daily work.

Between the modules, you will apply your new tools and knowledge in your day-to-day work with your team(s). At the end of module 2, we will review experiences and applied models, and you will create and test a plan for the future development of your team.


Target Group

This course is for team leaders, project managers, middle managers, or those with an informal leadership role within a team. You are looking for tools to lead and facilitate one or more teams towards better performance in an effective and motivating way.

You wish to develop yourself as a team leader by updating and enhancing your leadership toolbox with targeted tools you can use daily.


Benefits for You

Greater understanding of team leadership:

  • You will gain a deeper understanding of what makes a team effective and how best to lead your team(s) to success.

Competence in building psychological safety:

  • You will develop the ability to create an environment where your team members feel safe to share ideas and take risks without fear of negative consequences.

Improved communication and collaboration skills:

  • You will have the opportunity to develop effective communication strategies, active listening, and questioning techniques that enhance conversation capacity, collaboration, and innovation.

Ability to identify and resolve dysfunctions:

  • You will acquire skills to understand and work with group dynamics and to identify and address dysfunctions in your team.

Situational leadership:

  • You will learn how to adapt your leadership style to meet your team's current needs and situations.

Practical experience:

  • Through workshops and exercises, you will gain hands-on experience that you can directly apply in your day-to-day leadership role.

Benefits for Your Organization

Stronger teams:

  • You will become a better team leader, able to build more effective, collaborative, and well-functioning teams, leading to higher productivity and improved results.

Increased employee satisfaction and engagement:

  • By creating psychological safety and improving team dynamics, your organization can enhance employee satisfaction and engagement.

Better conflict management:

  • With improved decision-making and conflict resolution skills, teams will be able to handle internal conflicts more constructively.

Innovation and creativity:

  • Enhanced communication methods and collaboration strategies will foster a culture of innovation and creativity within teams.

Leadership development:

  • Your organization will have a team leader better equipped to adapt leadership style to different situations and needs, improving overall leadership effectiveness.

Increased efficiency:

  • Through practical tools and action plans, leaders and team members will be able to implement effective strategies that enhance team performance and organizational goals.

Before the course

Before attending the course, reflect on the challenges and strengths you bring with you. Additionally, identify three key areas of leadership that you want to focus on improving.


Day 1

Introduction and objectives of the program:

  • Guidelines for participation and participant introductions.

  • What are the key characteristics that define a team versus a group?

  • Key attributes of your team.

  • Defining your role as a team leader.

  • Understanding your position within the team.

  • How do you manage and distribute your time within the team?

Group dynamics:

Challenges within your team

  • Core principles of group dynamics.

  • Diagnosing and resolving team dysfunctions such as lack of trust, fear of conflict, low engagement, and avoidance of accountability.

    Practical tools and techniques to enhance team efficiency and establish goal-oriented conditions.


Day 2

What is psychological safety, and how do you foster it?

  • Definition and importance of psychological safety.

  • Strategies for creating and maintaining a safe environment that fosters creativity, innovation, learning, and enhanced performance.

  • Exercises and case studies to promote openness and trust within a team.

Situational leadership and leadership styles:

  • Understanding situational leadership and how to adapt your style to the team’s current needs and situations.

  • Exploring different leadership styles and their impact on a team.

  • Methods and tools to develop your team.

Wrap-up and preparation for the final course day


Day 3


  • Reflections on applied learning and experiences since the last session.

Communication model and team collaboration

  • Effective communication methods in teams – Karl Tomm’s Question Types.

  • Active listening and questioning techniques – a coaching approach.

  • Enhancing conversational capacity in your team.

  • Practicing the model through interviews.

Understanding and managing conflicts:

  • Identifying the underlying causes of conflicts and their dynamics.

  • Applying different conflict management styles based on the situation.

  • Assessing your personal conflict management style.

  • Communicating effectively and assertively during conflicts.

  • Practical tools and methods for constructive conflict resolution.

  • Using reflective team methods to address conflict case studies.

Your learning points and personal development plan


Senior Leadership Consultant Mette Groos Lønsted

Senior Leadership Consultant Pernille Grove

Want to know more?

Susanne Hommelgaard

Susanne Hommelgaard
Senior advisor

T: +45 5154 4166

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