CfL-Leadership Focus Profile

CfL-Leadership Focus Profile, also known as LFP, is a tool designed to uncover a leader's behavior and priorities in various areas critical to leadership performance.


Use LFP when recruiting for a leadership position to ensure that you find a leader with the relevant leadership competencies for the specific type of leadership role you are seeking to fill.

People manage their competencies differently. A leader who manages their talents in one role may not perform the same way when placed in another position.

Therefore, when recruiting, promoting, or developing a leader for a specific role, it is essential to understand the type of leader needed and how that leader will manage their talents, motivation, and priorities in that context.

Four main areas are covered in LFP

Operational management

Most leaders have experienced a daily influx of ad hoc tasks that require immediate attention. Perhaps there are even numerous small fires to put out every day?

Addressing these ad hoc tasks can give a sense of efficiency and responsiveness, but it can divert time from effectively leading and developing operations. Can the leader prioritize their own leadership resources? Is the leader managing operations, or is it the other way around?

LFP assesses the leader's ability to ensure efficiency and quality in task execution.


Organizations that can adapt and respond quickly to changes are the ones that will succeed. Effective leaders are the key to making it happen.

LFP measures how leaders improve and develop processes and business areas.


As a leader, it's an important task to find ways to bring employees together, encourage dialogue, and coordinate the various positions and perspectives that employees hold. It's crucial to engage in relationships that support task execution.

LFP measures a leader's ability to develop and maintain positive relationships.

Leadership motivation

It's about what motivates and inspires the leader to lead.

Download the brochure about CfL-Leadership Focus Profile Download the brochure »


LFP is one of CfL's proprietary tools. When CfL developed LFP, the focus was on the leadership role and tasks rather than the classical personality theory, as leaders often need assistance in translating their personal profiles into the daily reality of the organization.

LFP is based on classical research and leadership theories that emphasize three fundamental elements required for leadership tasks: operations, development, and relationships. In addition, research also shows that there are specific motivational drivers that characterize leaders, which are included in LFP.

With CfL-Leadership Focus Profile (LFP), I gained a clear understanding of my challenges and strengths. As the leader of a development department, it's crucial for me to involve others in solutions without compromising the overall purpose. I use the insights from Leadership Focus Profile daily to ensure this.
Torben Andersen IT Director, DAO A/S

Free and unlimited support and coaching available

The test and profiles (reports) are available in both Danish and English

Developed by CfL based on classical research and leadership theory with a practical focus

The test consists of normative questions, a 6-point scale, word pairs, and text-based questions

Completion takes approximately 90-120 minutes

Get started with CfL-Leadership Focus Profile

To get started using CfL-Leadership Focus Profile in your own organization, it only requires certification in the tool.

Certification costs DKK 15,800 (excl. VAT) for members and DKK 18,600 (excl. VAT) for non-members.

In addition, materials are charged for each test conducted. These prices depend on usage. Contact us at to learn more.

You do not need certification to use CfL-Leadership Focus Profile in your own organization.

Our experienced consultants are happy to assist with tests and feedback on specific tasks. Read more here.

Schedule a Demo

Experience CfL-Leadership Focus Profile with a customized tool demo. Fill out the form, and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Utilize us for a specific task

If you have a specific task at hand, we are here to assist you in achieving your goals. Please provide us with your details, and we will get in touch with you.

Become certified

Take a certification course in CfL-Leadership Focus Profile and get acquainted with the tool.

Got any questions?


Cristian Willum Gade
Senior Relations Manager

+45 5154 4104

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