Briefing Executive

Leadership Capabilities of the Future

Scott Blanchard

Medlemspris kr. Free / Andre kr. Free

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25. september 2024 - 25. september 2024

Lokation: CfL eller online

Lokation CfL eller online

Free. The target audience is executive directors.

September 25 from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM

CfL, Folke Bernadottes Allé 45, 2100 København Ø

You can register to attend the meeting in person in Copenhagen or online via Zoom. 

This event aims to explore the future of leadership development in larger globally oriented organizations.

Søren Nielsen and Scott Blanchard -  CEOs from two leading global companies - will give you their perspective on what they believe are the most important leadership capabilities in the challenging years ahead. Join us to discuss: 

  • Global Mindset and Cultural Intelligence
  • Digital transformation and Cybersecurity
  • Sustainability and Ethical Leadership 
The target audience is executive directors. Facilitator for the day is Lars Hemmingsen, Strategic Leadership Consultant.

Søren Nielsen, CEO of Demant

Is a leading global company in hearing healthcare and audio solutions. With a strong engineering background and over two decades of experience at Demant, Søren has been instrumental in driving innovation and growth. Under his strong leadership, Demant has continued to pioneer advancements in hearing aids, diagnostics, and communication technologies, reinforcing its commitment to improving the quality of life for people with impaired hearing. 

Søren Nielsen
Søren Nielsen

Scott Blanchard, CEO of Blanchard

Is a global leader in leadership development and management training. Known for his strategic vision and great expertise in leadership principles, Blanchard continues the legacy of the company founded by his father, Ken Blanchard – the founder of Situational Leadership II. Under Scott’s guidance, Blanchard has expanded its global presence and increased its impact, helping organizations worldwide to develop effective leaders and foster positive workplace cultures. Scott Blanchard's leadership is characterized by a commitment to innovation, client success, and the continuous evolution of leadership practices. 

Scott Blanchard
Scott Blanchard

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Lene Buddike

T: +45 5154 4139

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